Human Society

Human Society

Social Groups: Peoples and Cultures
511. Peoples and Cultures of the World
512. The Development of Human Culture
513. Major Cultural Components and Institutions of Society
514. Language and Communication

Social Organization and Social Change
521. Social Structure and Change
522. The Group Structure of Society
523. Social Status
524. Human Populations: Urban and Rural Communities

The Production, Distribution, and Utilization of Wealth
531. Economic Concepts, Issues, and Systems
532. The Consumer and the Market: Pricing and the Mechanisms for Distributing Goods
533. The Organization of Production and Distribution
534. The Distribution of Income and Wealth
535. Macroeconomics
536. Economic Growth and Planning

Politics and Government
541. Political Theory
542. Political Institutions: the Structure, Branches, and Offices of Government
543. The Functioning of Government: the Dynamics of the Political Process
544. International Relations: Peace and War

551. Philosophies and Systems of Law; the Practice of Law
552. Branches of Public Law, Substantive and Procedural
553. Branches of Private Law, Substantive and Procedural

561. The Aims and Organization of Education
562. Education Around the World

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