Norman Rockwell’s subject was average America. He painted it with such benevolent affection for so many years, that a truly remarkable history of the 20th century has been compiled. Most of Norman Rockwell’s iconic paintings were inspired by photographs. Prior to beginning a painting, Mr. Rockwell would first plan out the scene to be photographed, often inviting family and neighbors to help act out his vision. It was then from a photograph, or a series of photographs, that Mr. Rockwell would begin painting:

The Runaway. Oil painting for Post cover, September 1958.

Girl At The Mirror. Oil painting for Post cover, March 1954

After The Prom. Oil painting for Post cover, May 1957.

The Tatooist. Painting for Post cover, March 1944.
Browse the Norman Rockwell Collection (both paintings and photographs) online at the Norman Rockwell Museum.