U.S. Patent 1448235: The Baby Cage


Emma Read was issued a United States Patent in 1923 for her design of The Portable Baby Cage. Read the original patent application with drawings HERE.

“They were designed in a more innocent age and with the best of intentions. These incredible pictures taken in the 1930s show babies suspended high up in flats from their parents’ window. Sitting in open mesh cages, the youngsters were completely exposed to the elements outside. Incredibly, the then East Poplar borough council in London proposed to fix the cages to the outside of some of their buildings so that babies could benefit from fresh air and sunshine. The cages were also distributed to members of the Chelsea Baby Club who lived in high buildings and had no gardens. The benefits were said to be fresh air for the child, room to play with toys and another place for children to sleep. The cages were also designed with a slanted, overlapping roof which was said to protect babies from snow or rain.” [Source: The Oddment Emporium]

4 thoughts on “U.S. Patent 1448235: The Baby Cage

  1. Holy Cow!!!!!! I am shocked people actually thought this was a viable idea.


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