[photo by Andrea Schwalm]
Embrace love in all of its forms, live with a strong connection to your higher self, laugh loudly and often … with yourself as your main source of amusement.
Eliminate manufactured fear. Root out all messages and warnings of fear instilled within you by parents, teachers, leaders, TV, media and your imagination. Look around you and see the ways you are safe, secure and empowered. Regardless of your circumstances, there is good in your life. See it, acknowledge it, enjoy it and be thankful.
Life is an adventure. There’re opportunities every day to learn new things, meet new people, gain new perspective and explore new ideas … many only appear once. Don’t miss them.
Tell your truth of the moment. (It will evolve as you grow and change.) Be authentic by your definition, not what others cast upon you.
Treat each person you meet as the unique individual they are. Learn something from every person. Notice their eyes; their spirit, their beauty. Acknowledge them with a smile, nod or thought.
Become aware of your negative and judgmental thoughts. Counter them with love. Forgive yourself for actions that have hurt others. Vow to change the behavior. Forgive those who have hurt you because in doing so, you make room for love, laughter and joy.
Remember and honor those who have loved, cherished, protected, guided, taught, and, yes, even those who have pissed you off.
The way I see it, Love is a much better place from which to live a life.
[Words by Penny Rice from The View From 65 via The Listserve]